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Viola Yuen - Music Director

Dr. Viola Yuen is an active composer, arranger, conductor, and an A Cappella singer who is enthusiastic about the application of human voices in various musical compositions. Her music displayed a unique style, originality and profound emotion.

Yuen obtained her Doctor of Music in Music Composition from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.  She also holds a Master and Bachelor of Music in Composition and Electronic Music from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

Currently she is an adjunct lecturer of The Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts, conductor of the Hang Seng University Sinfonietta, the Music Director of the Sregnis Singers, and the founder of Coro Allegra.  She was the conductor of the choirs of Hong Kong Music Institute in 2012-2017.  Since 1990 to 2017, she has been appointed a conductor of the Diocesan Choir - Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, and also instructing a choral conducting course under the Sacred Music Commission, the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong.  She is also a member of the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (C.A.S.H.) and a Membership Secretary of Hong Kong Composers’ Guild.

The music scores of her nine-part A Cappella works was published by Hong Kong Composers’ Guild in 2013.  In addition, the recording of her orchestral piece “LAMENTOR”, a three-movement music for choir and orchestra, was also published in a CD by Hong Kong Composers’ Guild in the same period.  Both publishing projects were supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council.  The orchestral piece “LAMENTOR” was also chosen as one of the music broadcast in the May 2013 International Rostrum of Composers, held in Prague. It was well received by the radio reporters and composers from 28 countries in the event. Her new composition, RITE OF DRAGON, commissioned by the Handbell Association of Hong Kong CASH Music Fund for the 16th International Handbell Symposium, had its premiere, along with six hundred players, in August 2014, in Jeju, Korea. This music was also published by the H’ing Publishing (HK), the Handbell Association of Hong Kong.



阮氏先後畢業於香港浸會學院及演藝學院作曲系,並於香港中文大學音樂系陳偉光博士指導下獲取及音樂博士(作曲)學位。現為香港演藝學院兼任講師、香港恒生大學小交響樂團指揮、合唱俠音樂總監及Coro Allegra的創辦人。她是香港作曲家及作詞家協會會員,也是香港作曲家聯會會員事務秘書。自1990年至 2017年一直獲委任為天主教香港教區聖樂團之指揮及聖樂培育課程指揮科導師,並於2012 - 2014年間為香港音樂專科學校合唱團指揮。

2013年於香港藝術發展局贊助下,香港作曲家聯會出版了她的九聲部無伴奏合唱作品樂譜,並同期出版了她於2010年為管絃樂及多聲部合唱作品「哀歌」的音樂光碟。 其大型管弦樂合唱作品「哀歌」還被選於2013年五月份於捷克布拉格舉行的國際作曲家論壇播放,備受各國的音樂節主持人及作曲家推崇。此外她的新創作「龍之祭」, 於同年八月在韓國濟州島舉行第十六屆國際手鈴研討會中首演,由六百多名手鈴樂手一同演奏; 此作品由香港手鈴藝術協會委約,香港作曲及作詞家協會贊助,並由H’ing Publishing及香港手鈴藝術協會出版樂譜。

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